Introductory Visit

Upon our introductory visit, I am impressed with what Freedom House is doing. It not only opens up its door for the homeless to live, but has programs that are there to help them get back on their feet. It’s comforting knowing that Freedom House has multiple organizations that are willing to support them.

Freedom House has an overwhelming amount of work that they need to do that is always increasing. They need a lot of help and food for their guests to serve them daily healthy meals. Their laundry system is rather impressive. Their machines are larger than one would presume once walking through their initial entry, and the amount of detergent they have is vast, but will likely be used quickly considering how much laundry they must do. In comparison to other homeless institutions their laundry system, I personally have found to be unique.

Part of our service learning project is to create a piece of artwork for freedom house. What they need does not fit with my ordinary creations. I feel that my artwork is a little bit darker which is not suitable for Freedom House considering they are looking for bright and uplifting work. In some ways my work can be uplifting but in now way is it lighthearted. That being said it will take me awhile to come up with a concept that will fit in with their program. My general knowledge and understanding of woodworking will be helpful in that I’d be able to create more furniture for them such as something that they will be able to set their air hockey table on.

The energy in the physical environment of the facility was and is unsettling. Much of what the place is made of is old, worn down, and just generally not in the best of shape which creates a space of negative energy. If the space was refurbished and revitalized, it would then create a much more positive environment that can bring in some new energy for the freedom house members and create a positive environment that can destress and promote positive energy and thinking. It troubling knowing that even though most of the families are working diligently to support their families, they still can’t get enough to support themselves. They face an incredible amount of adversity, whether it be the minimum requirements for a living space that makes it unaffordable to occupy certain places, or their commute that makes it nearly impossible to get to work on time due to the poor transportation system of Green Bay.

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