Four: Thirteen

When thinking of the Freedom House in the early stages of my creative process, I knew I wanted to make a piece that the residents could relate to and find comfort in, but that also aligned with the core values of the organization. Throughout my time volunteering and getting to know what the Freedom House is all about, it became apparent that their work is rooted in Christian principles such as compassion and respect for all people. With these values in mind, I knew I wanted my piece to incorporate a bible verse. I ultimately chose the verse of Philippians 4:13; “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.” This verse came to mind before any others because it holds a significance in my own life that can be traced back to when my dad shared it with me when I was young and I have carried it with me since.

This verse became the solution I was looking for with my print for the Freedom House because it can have different connotations. By just including the first half- “I can do all things”- residents of any or no faith affiliation who might not be familiar with the verse can find encouragement through a simple phrase. For those who do know the verse, they can fill in the rest in their mind and find comfort in the believes that God is on their side. The flowers surround the texts are a mix of fully bloomed and still in tight buds. The imagery I chose of flowers not only stands to be pleasing to look at, but I also wanted to communicate the idea that everyone succeeds at their own pace, just as a flower blooms when it is ready on its own time.

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