Response to Pippa Biddle Article

Pippa Biddle Article:

Pippa Biddle’s article definitely opened my eyes to how we can help developing countries. I never thought about how helping could be a hindrance. We should use our resources to donate materials and give the resources to those within a country so they can run their own camps because they know the people the best. At the very least, if we want to partake in service, we should make sure we are qualified. I personally know I would not be qualified to lay bricks because I’m not very strong and have no expertise on it. Ultimately it would be a waste of money.

It also struck me how Pippa Biddle made the point saying it is more beneficial for a young girl to look up to someone of her own race, culture, and language because then she can more easily relate to who she looks up to.  This is something I hadn’t given much thought to, but after reading, I definitely agree with Biddle

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