Freedom House Visit 3

Sarah and I went to Freedom House to meet with Lydia about possible design projects for their events. Since Lydia was having a meeting at 10 we spent the first half of our visit cleaning the bathrooms. Emerson and Noah also made it and basically did the same thing, but we split into two teams to cover each bathroom. A notable occurrence during this was when I almost carried the water-filled mop bucket down a flight of stairs, but I was happy to find that the elevator was right next to me the entire time. After cleaning the bathrooms we met with Lydia in her office, which was filled with turtles. I think I thought to myself “if there’s a logo competition, I could incorporate a turtle and have a pretty good chance of winning.” The event she wants a logo and media kit for is called Gallery of Hope, and from the pictures, I saw from last year’s even they only have, or primarily have photography. I think that for my design for the logo I am going to try and have something that could imply more about the gallery instead of just flashy type. It is always a really fun process to try and deconstruct symbols and reconstruct them into simple logos. Based on what they used last year and the year before that they are using more complicated and flashy logos, so it will be interesting to see how they react to something simpler and more like an icon. I will probably email Lydia and ask more about what happens during the event so my logo can be more incorporated into what the event does and is. I haven’t done a logo for someone in a while so I’m excited to see what I’ll be able to come up with because I’ve been doing a lot more drawing and developing my style lately.

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