Gallery of Hope Promotion

This semester, our intermediate printmaking class worked with the non-profit organization, Freedom House. Freedom House is a homeless shelter for families located in Green Bay. Our final project in printmaking was to make a print that benefits Freedom House in some way. Freedom House stressed a need for promotional products for their annual Gallery of Hope event. The Gallery of Hope is a fundraiser dinner that showcases photographs relating to Freedom House’s mission. Lydia explained that the event starts our dark and confusing but the guests are led in to a beautiful space filled with color and light. Past logos for the event that the organization liked were full of color and used script font. I wanted to use some of those elements in the poster without using a specific logo itself.

I made 50 screen prints that had three layers each. I included a gradient from red to yellow so I could include multiple bright warm colors without adding an overwhelming amount of layers. On the poster is a pair of shaking hands. I decided to make these hands blue because not only does it add more color but blue is the color in the freedom house logo. The posters have Freedom House, Gallery of Hope, and the date, time, and location of the event. The posters were going to be displayed in local businesses. I wanted to create a sort of Etsy, DIY feel so the posters would not only fit well with the establishment but also catch the eye of customers. I am very pleased with how my prints turned out and am grateful to have made work that support’s Freedom House’s cause.


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